How It Works
We need a better freelance marketplace. If you agree, then read on.
The Problem for Clients
Clients seeking talent on major freelance platforms often encounter a frustrating reality. Their project postings are met with an overwhelming flood of proposals, many from individuals clearly lacking the necessary skills or experience. This deluge forces clients to spend valuable time sifting through numerous unqualified applications just to find a handful of suitable candidates. Even after this time-consuming process, the quality of work can be inconsistent due to the open nature of these platforms, leading to project delays and subpar results.

Adding to this frustration is the escalating cost of using these services. What once seemed like a straightforward fee structure has evolved into a complex system of charges. Clients now face not only commission fees but also various additional costs such as marketplace fees and payment processing charges. For businesses relying regularly on freelance talent, these mounting expenses can significantly impact their bottom line, often without a corresponding increase in value or quality of service.

Proposal Paralysis

Inboxes overflow with a torrent of unvetted pitches, many from woefully underqualified applicants.

Quality Roulette

Each project becomes a gamble, with inconsistent results damaging timelines and bottom lines.

Hidden Costs

Escalating fees chip away at budgets, with commissions, marketplace charges, and more eating into resources.

Trust Deficit

The revolving door of freelancers makes building reliable relationships difficult and usually not incentivized .

Though a single platform is likely not going to sufficiently fix all woes, we believe that the core design and implementation of current freelance marketplaces unsurprisingly led to many of these issues. A better thought-out version could bring about a more efficient with better incentives, and we believe that our solution is the simplest and most sensible of them all.
WorkSonata Marketplace
On our marketplace, clients can build their own marketplace of invite-only freelancers. They can manage who is part of their freelance pool, who can bid on new services and projects, and ensure that only trusted and qualified freelancers are part of their network. This also allows freelancers to focus on building a powerful brand through a profile that showcases their portfolio, career history, client testimonials, publications, and more to earn trust before connecting on a potential project.

The reason that this could work is simple. Look at the chart below:
Current Freelance Marketplace as one big marketplace.
Before. A typical design of a freelance marketplace.
This is how some of the popular freelancing marketplaces (not all) typically structure the platform. It's a basic design in which one huge marketplace exists with a bunch of freelancers, and into which clients can submit their jobs. Then out of this huge marketplace, freelancers, sometimes without restrictions, can bid on those jobs, creating an inefficient process and poor experience.

Now compare this with our design below:
WorkSonata Freelance Marketplace as client-independent marketplaces.
After. WorkSonata's design of client-based, invite-only freelance marketplaces.
WorkSonata will become an ecosystem of invite-only freelance marketplaces that clients can manage. This naturally cuts down one huge marketplace to several smaller ones, with each one directly created by the client. This provides natural incentives that other freelance marketplace typically don't have.

For example, instead of trying to control for the supply-demand issues, usually due to low quality freelancers and projects, by forcing additional compensation or basic filters that can be easily bypassed, our clients will dictate the freelancers that they've vetted and trust beforehand, and allow these freelancers to participate in their own marketplace.

This provides several obvious benefits:
  • Curated Talent Pools: Businesses can create their own invite-only marketplaces, ensuring access to pre-vetted, high-quality freelancers.
  • Quality-Focused Matching: By allowing companies to hand-pick their freelancer pool, WorkSonata prioritizes quality matches over quantity of applications.
  • Streamlined Hiring: With a pre-approved talent pool, companies can quickly initiate projects with trusted freelancers, significantly reducing hiring time and effort.
  • Enhanced Control: Businesses have full control over who can bid on their projects, ensuring alignment with their quality standards and company culture.
  • Efficient Onboarding: By maintaining a consistent pool of freelancers, companies minimize the need for repeated onboarding, increasing overall productivity.
What about pricing?
We are still finalizing our pricing strategy, but it will likely be a subscription + commission model. Our commission will only be around 5-7%, which we believe is fair and one of the lowest in the industry, and the subscription is to help certain clients and freelancers scale if they so need. We also plan to experiment in offering a subscription-only option to qualified members on a case-by-case basis.

Importantly, clients and freelancers will have free access and ability for core functions such as project posting, project bidding, account/profile creation, messaging, etc. We are looking to provide as much value as possible, while aiming to provide even more for the ones who are serious about growing on our platform.
Start Now for Exclusive Offers
We're currently in development, but are accepting new profiles to join our waiting list. Only those who are already signed up will have access to exclusive discounts as a way to show our appreciation for their early support. Sign up below: